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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Hello, Mat Luthfi is coming to UIA Kuantan!

Jom jejak majlis ILMU bersama Mat Luthfi. 
Latest update for opening ceremony!

Presenting to you Mat Luthfi as Special Guest.
Together with :
Ustaz Azariza, the celebrity ustaz from Kelantan.
Yatt Hamzah,actress and TV host.

With our smart moderator, Bro. Umarqayum Abu Bakar.

Dont forget our performance with,
Ippo Band from Warna Music and our youtube. artiste, Hisyam Lois.

What are you waiting for?
Come and join us on 6hb December 2012. 8pm,sharp!

Dont miss it!

:: "Allahumma faqqihna fiddin, wa 'allimna takwil, wahdina ilas sawa'is sabiil" ::

:: Ya Allah, kurniakanlah kami kefahaman yang mendalam tentang ilmu agama, dan ajarkanlah kepada kami ilmu yang boleh memahami sesuatu yang tersirat, dan tunjukkanlah kepada kami jalan yang sebenar2nya. :) ::

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As Salam, i am currently conducting a survey about mosque in Malaysia for my master thesis. it would be a big help if u could help me to answer the survey. Thanks in advance.

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a very normal and 'serba kekurangan' person. sedang mencari dan menuntut ilmu Allah. Masih banyak kekurangan yang tidak perlu dicari, akan terzahir dengan sendiri.