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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

None-quality day

Bismillah walhamdulillah.

Whats a day..

Last night. Attend MEDCY's meeting on 8.15 p.m until 11.00 p.m = whats a night.

Today, after Subuh prayer, revise for Chemistry. I don't know how can I sleep. Sedaq2 dah pukui 10 pagi! Whats a day?

Kelas BIO pukui 10 pagi. Ponteng? No way man. Not my taste. Go to the class. Even quite late. Enter the class with big smile. Ting!

Madam return back my exam paper. The smile become bigger together with "ALHAMDULILLAH". Inilah natijahnya. Syukran Jazilan Ya Rabb.

Sitting beside Nadiatul Husna. Madam start learning session. Taxonomy. Open my note. Shock! I bring my ECOLOGY note. Melampau. Studying without the note. I don't know what I learn.

Ohh.. it really whats a day lah! Tension. Tension. Tension. Oppss.. stop saying that word Husna. Okai.

Go to the canteen. Ikan keli. Oh. Didn't bring the money after take the food. How can I pay that? Pergh. Whats a day. I don't know what I do. What happen to me?

Go to the ATM at UKC. Open the card holder. OHH? Didn't bring any bank card? Only matric card (disfunction card) and IC. Pergh* smile to my own self. Pergh* Padan Muka.

Fortunately, meet Ateh. She paid mine. Oo. Thanks so much. Ting.

Chemistry Lab. The experiment was ruined because of me. Just sitting and looking Nadiatul and Qurrotu do the experiment. Whats a day.

Whats a day.

Now, I'm sitting in my room and thinking. Till when I will keep going this kind of day? The situation cannot change except I want to change it. So, lets change my day. Can you help me? Ting.

Remember Allah. This moment, this kind of feeling will not last long forever. Please Allah, do help me. Release me from this kind of feeling which make my day, whats a day.. ohh.. really whats a day.

Please, smile to me. Talk to me kindly. Don't blame me. Help me a lot in this kind of thing. Give me chance and don't leave me behind. I want to stay beside you, do this together with you. Hold my hand, bring me along with you. Don't leave me. Please. Don't leave me. Hold my hand, hold my hand. Say that, "you can do it, HUSNA"

Then, thank you friend..


:: "Allahumma faqqihna fiddin, wa 'allimna takwil, wahdina ilas sawa'is sabiil" ::

:: Ya Allah, kurniakanlah kami kefahaman yang mendalam tentang ilmu agama, dan ajarkanlah kepada kami ilmu yang boleh memahami sesuatu yang tersirat, dan tunjukkanlah kepada kami jalan yang sebenar2nya. :) ::


Anonymous said...

you can do it!

Anonymous said...

adik aku ni macam dah jatuh cinta je..
are u?
sejak bile jadi orang berperasaan?
with love from PASIR MAS

Anonymous said...

budak berlagak dah jatuh cinta ke? should i know die jatuh kat sape? prinsip die mati ngan sape? ngeh2. amek ko. selalu sngat kenakan orang. kali ni giliran ko. koonspirasi ni cayam.. ngeh3

husnataqwa said...

mereka seperti ini tak boleh dilayan. ade ke aku kata aku jatuh cinta? no way man. cinta2 tak maen seyh.

Anonymous said...

tak jatuh cinta takkanblur cenggitu. sume benda tak menjadi. dah2. jangan nak ego lagi. mengaku je la. macam aku tak tahu.

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a very normal and 'serba kekurangan' person. sedang mencari dan menuntut ilmu Allah. Masih banyak kekurangan yang tidak perlu dicari, akan terzahir dengan sendiri.