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Sunday, August 23, 2009

allah knows BEST


Allah knows what's best for us,so why should we complain,

We always want the sunshine,But He knows there must be rain.

We always want laughter, and the merriment of cheer,but our heart will
lose their tenderness,If we never shed a tear.

Allah tests us often, with suffering and with sorrow,He tests us not
to punish us, But to help us meet tomorrow.For growing trees are
strengthened if they can withstand the storm,and the sharpness of
the chisel gave the marble its grace and form.

Allah test us often and for every pain He gives us,provided we are
patient, Is followed by rich gain

So whenever we feel that everything is going wrong,It is just Allah's
way to make our spirit strong.
:: "Allahumma faqqihna fiddin, wa 'allimna takwil, wahdina ilas sawa'is sabiil" ::

:: Ya Allah, kurniakanlah kami kefahaman yang mendalam tentang ilmu agama, dan ajarkanlah kepada kami ilmu yang boleh memahami sesuatu yang tersirat, dan tunjukkanlah kepada kami jalan yang sebenar2nya. :) ::

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a very normal and 'serba kekurangan' person. sedang mencari dan menuntut ilmu Allah. Masih banyak kekurangan yang tidak perlu dicari, akan terzahir dengan sendiri.